Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Poptropica Balloons

Some notes on The Feria del Libro Ricardo Palma is back in Miraflores, a few blocks from home where the writer lived.

Being a county fair but with a long tradition, which in 2010 reached to his edition XXXI, it is expected a mixture of new and classic books at good prices. Parallel cultural program includes a tribute to the poet Enrique Verástegui and Caretas magazine and book presentations.

But the attraction of the fair is the work of Mario Vargas Llosa, all works available in all sizes, publishing and language. La Casa del Libro Viejo has some first editions of his novels at collector prices.

Overall publishers and distributors are pulling all stocks in the warehouse before the end of the year, in Santillana, Oceano. Metro, Latin, Crisol, ESRP and the Family no news on the front. I highlight an auction of old editions and Tusquets Editorial Alliance in the Family, you can find some gems.

independent publishing: Roundtable has released a new line of art with a neat edition of the work of Ceccarelli. Silent Roar has a new choice and stand with Javier Arevalo, Mario Guevara and Chile Alvaro Bisam.

an additional note, ESRP has regained the spotlight with the publication of a couple of very interesting works: The Antique Gustavo Faverón (novel) and Station of the Meetings of Peter Elmore (trials)

distributors Peruvian RIGUSE and V & D can be found imports of certain traditional or contemporary at affordable prices from 5 soles.

In other stands, as always counterculture with its vast collection of comics, rock and various topics. The bookstores have something interesting is about having patience and good eye.

For those interested in technical subjects are always the stands at the Pontifical Catholic University, the University of the Pacific, Fondo Editorial Congress, the Institute of Peruvian Studies and the French Institute of Andean Studies.

As the stands are small and the number of visitors is large, there are hours in the transit corridors and stands is impossible, it is good to be more of a return because the stock is changed and renewed.

There is always the possibility to take some time for shopping or coffee and return to the fair with rested eyes and patience to enjoy a good search.

See you at the Fair

Friday, October 22, 2010

Lupus Face Rash On Chest

The End of Empires and the Changing Eras Distance

Why the Roman Empire fell? How and who decide when one was left to the next step? The answers are multiple and voluminous, it is true that in reviewing the Universal History is the historical transitions that have been marked by the fall of any system, whether political, social and / or economic. Although I do except that these milestones are only valid for the West, though on two occasions these changes have come under pressure from the East.

In all cases, there have been critical and dramatic events have served as symbolic landmarks or turning points, although the conditions that promoted the transition have been generating years earlier.

The End of the Age Antigua (746 AD) is marked by the taking and sacking of the city of Rome by the Barbarians, who for nearly a hundred years ago came to push the boundaries of an empire rundown due to a declining series of emperors, in turn they were being displaced by the Huns from the East.

The Middle Ages (1453 AD), ended with the capture of Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine, or Eastern Roman-besieged city for years and fell behind the expansive pressure of the Ottoman Turks led by Mehmed II, who already had a great time sitting in the Balkans. The city fell after a naval blockade and the apathy of papal empires and republics Italian Genoa, Venice and Pisa, which did not support the decadent empire even though the city had its commercial empire.

The term of the modern era is marked by July 14, 1789, the day of the storming of the Bastille, a medieval castle that served as a prison in the absolute monarchy of Louis XVI. The French Revolution was the corollary of years spreading the ideas of liberty, equality and fraternity that began with the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution in the mid eighteenth century. Peoples in different parts of the world began to question the established order through Reason, strengthened by the ideas of Descartes, Newton and Adam Smith explained the world in a new way so far. It was the Age of Reason but with actions full of passion and violence, was the era of the expansion of new powers, wars of independence in America, capitalism and class struggle.

Since then we live the Contemporary Age. Many things have happened in the twentieth century may have marked the change was, for example, the arrival of man on the moon would have had the effect it had Columbus's voyage, but remained an isolated event, manned space travel other planets were suspended and all subsequent astronomical discoveries have not had a direct impact on people's lives. Neither the World Wars or the Cold War or the fall of the Berlin Wall have had a dramatic effect on the way we live and think, watched coolly from the twenty-first century, no matter how painful to witness the loss of life in most cases it was a realignment of global forces and axes while maintaining the system. What brought these events was the fall of the great utopias and ideologies: the rest of the west end of Westernized, expanding the "doctrine" to the rest of Eastern Europe and most western countries. Finally it appeared that a single system would prevail in the world.


The speed of scientific and technological production have created not only new ways of living but to think and interact with others. In this it has been about the development of communication: telephone, fax, Internet, development of fiber optics allows not only to exchange voice, but images and vast amounts of data in real time. There is talk now of a parallel reality: virtual reality. For 20 years it implements the concept of Global Village, Environmental protection, but also tribalization (taken as an example the Balkan conflict) societies, minority ethnic, racial disputes and the resurgence of conflicts Religion. The displacement of large masses of people has created new problems and the world divided between East and West has altered its axis north - south. Moreover, in a single territory different societies live separated by race, religion or culture.

air and sea traffic, communication of all kinds, which have broken down borders and time zones, not only transporting goods and migrants, but also diseases. Epidemics require hours or days to have the potential to become pandemic. In response to this, they get back up barriers to trade are customs, immigration to stop the influx of masses of people or alerts quarantine to prevent spread of disease, but appear invisible and insurmountable hurdles, those of religious ideas, censorship. Reappearance of human trafficking, as it was centuries ago, slavery, promoted this time by poverty and organized crime.

For many reasons the "Big City is not as global as it is perceived that the exchange is unequal is that some systems of government decided to close ideologically: China, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan. Some companies look inward and try to assert their culture in distant countries, we are witnessing the rise of cultural and religious ghettos. This movement is often not only ideas but of actions. Every action generates a reaction side opposite socially or politically. Islam once again make their holy war across millions of Muslim migrants in Europe and the United States.

to a critical event occurs in 2001: the Fall of the Twin Towers in New York, plus the simultaneous attack on the Pentagon and the failed attack on the Capitol. Months after the attack occurs in the Madrid Metro and other measures failed in Europe. Becomes alert the world to the appearance of cartoons of Muhammad and becomes national discussion of veils employment or placement of crucifixes in schools in Europe. The jihad reached its zenith. Since then, U.S. representative of the new world order emerged in the second half of the twentieth century, appears vulnerable for the first time.

Since then, their citizens are moving targets in its territory or anywhere in the world. The alert states begin to multiply and drag in this alert almost all the West. The reaction unwise to invade Iraq by the new allies has only to tighten the reactions with Islam. The world has become split.

And as a corollary of the crisis, came the economic debacle of 2008. The bursting of the speculative housing bubble that has brought down the economic boom of the West. This year, almost simultaneously economies U.S., UK, Spain, France, Greece and other European and South American countries are seeing huge budget cuts and strong with obvious social implications. Today, this time one can see in the news global protests in the British Parliament, the riots in Paris and the fall of Barack Obama's popularity in the United States on the eve of the elections for the renewal of the Congress.

For the first time, have seen reports on television networks on poverty, which affects not only undocumented immigrants but U.S. citizens living once the apparent prosperity at the cost of credit. Thousands of families lost their homes in all states of the Union because of its inability to pay mortgages. The unemployment rate rises in developed economies. To make matters worse, a landmark case as the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico by the company BP revives the ghosts of the indiscriminate exploitation of resources and its harmful effect on the environment.

can not think or conceive the world as 20 years ago. Past celebrations for the new millennium, the world will not only walk but also perceived differently. It is evident in everyday life, human relationships in the media, economics and politics. As never before, events are quickly replaced by others of equal or greater magnitude is now living what Mario Vargas Llosa has called the Society of Entertainment. As never before the privacy of individuals is made public in seconds mails, blogs, and twitters facebooks.

culture has changed, especially the literature is reflecting the social situation and fears, for sample A Man in the Dark by Paul Auster, Don DeLillo's Falling Man, At the Foot of the Ladder of Lorrie Moore. There is a new way of writing, such as Diary of a Bad Year by JM Coetzee and Dublinesca of Enrique Vila-Matas to take an example. I know I'm leaving several titles and perhaps you can name more.

The world has changed together with their paradigms, we can not think in the same terms as in the late twentieth century, the explosive event that marked the symbolic starting point: on September 11, 2001, attack by Al Qaeda United States.

also would be remiss to name the new era.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Quickbooks Product Numbers

A Bit Invisible

For a change, in these last weeks I used my free time, and not so free, on multiple readings. That there would be nothing remarkable as always. The unusual thing was having to carry a few books on his back and another was kept at home for reviewed at the end of the day.

One book that most caught my attention was Anil's Ghost, Michael Ondaatje, a novel that branches in different topics and characters that speak later. However, his reading has made me think of the eBook.

In the past, most medical texts were monochrome text, which retains some special pages for color atlas of clinical images. But the great treaty preserved a monotony of black and white. Only a few decades ago was introduced in the text color as well as tables and graphs. The British were the first books experiment with the color palette.

still remember those new editions of old treaties that I refused to buy just because he felt the addition of figures and tables plus colorful as a senseless, l did not improve or presentation or the meaning of texts, which is what eventually matter. I thought it was a matter of time. Today you can find texts designed and written in a style in which the variety of colors provides a great value. Eventually

electronic editions also appeared in CD ROM and the Internet, allowing constant updating in areas where the progress of investigations made obsolete text in less than a year. Now Hyperlinks let you jump from one topic to another due to the importance that each reader assigned or deemed necessary.

What's the commentary? I return to the Phantom of Anil, a drama set mostly in Sri Lanka, with some expressions in Sinhalese, with archaeological data, medical and forensic expertise, that have slowed my reading to consult dictionaries, maps and printed texts or the Internet to better understand the plot , which has not been a nuisance but it has enriched my reading.

An electronic text with hyperlinks to important information relating to me to enrich the plot would have made my reading more enjoyable. Discover the fact that one of the medical books forensics referenced in the novel actually exists.

Now that there is discussion between the printed and electronic, on a migration that is now difficult and perhaps not be in the next decade, it is necessary to distinguish the important from the accessory. One version of the transition from the Gutenberg to Google as it was pointed Vila-Matas

A platform, call Kindle, iPad or Reader, at this time is helpful because it can store a lot of books in a small space, fulfilling the desire for portable library, but for many people this is not necessary and having an electronic book will not be a gadget that becomes more attractive but not very functional.

However, the real challenge of literary e-book will go through a different conception of the creative conception and literary publishing, as I think the decision to use hyperlinks, not to skip chapters as a modern version of Hopscotch but to expand text to amend the act of reading or the meaning of it, to increase content. May also include images, audio and / or videos. Of course, not all the works and the authors would conform to the new system but it is expected, or at least I hope so, the future could come from that side.

That is my opinion that goes with my taste to make I read in a fractal, ie branching reading concepts as they arrive in the text, but always with the possibility of returning to the original narrative stream.

course speculation and debate, and the development of electronic publishing are just taking the momentum. But that does not mean that one can imagine or want the future of electronic letters.

will we be so close, only to return a byte?

Orange Peel Theme For Blogger

Las Palomas Confession Part

well said that God set but does not strangle. When you put some facts on the ropes life gives examples of strength and endurance. After some ambush left a bitter taste me about loyalty and honesty are examples of solidarity, commitment and perseverance to extend trust in human values \u200b\u200bindefinitely.

One such example was the rescue of the miners in San José de Copiapo. In a tragedy, a product of poor working conditions, appears an exceptional product. Results impeccable organization and planning the rescue was a triumph of survival instinct and the human capacity to overcome great adversity. An operation epic joined almost all from the first moments of knowing the accident. Since then, both inside and outside Chile many people worked for the goal joint rescue 33 people literally swallowed by the earth.

Hope camp was erected, a human enclave in the desert, an area about the mine adit. Seven hundred feet below, it is difficult to imagine the anguish of knowing feeling locked up and check that there was no exit possible from within. More than 30 degree temperatures and scarce supplies the chances were slim. They spent 17 long days of uncertainty on both sides of the surface until one of the probes reached the underground bubble and the screen appeared a dusty look of the miners with the phrase written on a piece of paper, "We are well on shelter the 33 ". Then I had a sense of alienation and distance, such a look, including pleading and frightened, I discovered humans in a wild state, in a state of alert. My alienation continued to imagine human beings like us, in a rocky and private housing of the basic conditions we now call civilization, in a process of regression toward the primitive, with the emergence of primary emotions and impulses. An ancient involution in a short period of time.

What ideas have not toured the minds of these people end, away from natural stimuli such as day - night cycle, the wind blowing vegetation running water, the sounds of a house, the living nature through the senses, and above all family ties cut. But it was the extraordinary conditions of life granted by the available technology and perseverance of the people who supported the rescue effort, which succeeded in galvanizing the spirit of the trapped miners, giving them a new wrapper, the more hard, protective, and Moreover also soft and tender from contact with their loved ones.

few years ago I had the experience of entering into a mine located in the central Andes. Had to complete a survey in miners as part of a health program. The condition was asking the questions and give a talk to 400 meters underground building rest time. Equipped for the fall, boots, helmet and mask, entered the elevator would drop me to the dining room of the gallery. When closed the rickety door I entered the natural fear of being trapped. The decline was accompanied by the sound of metal scraping the rock in the midst of darkness. When the elevator stopped, and thus the noise, opened the door to a lighted environment soon my fears relieved. I completed my homework and quiet at the start of the climb I again had the feeling of being trapped.

No matter how old you are one involved in a task, especially if it is risk, there is always the possibility that this a fluke, as actually happened in Copiapo.

Without wishing to make a technical or political account of the accident and rescue, as this event has different interpretations, which has motivated me to make this post is the resilience of the trapped miners and the tenacity of attachment relationships in adverse conditions. Just as, at least for the news, watch as the feelings of a nation made to force things to go well. As few times, Chile in a single year has been critical moments: a devastating earthquake and the collapse of the mine. But there was only one country in the final days of the rescue millions People were outstanding through satellite transmissions in real time.

think that erases distance bonding is falling into a cliche often wrong, in this case acted n such links only as a palliative but as a stimulus for resistance. These affections permanently remembered, continuous communication with the outside world, through mechanical pigeons, as well as the daily influx of food prevented the behavior of those affected were dominated by the most archaic regions of the brain, from the standpoint of phylogenetic , the limbic system, which dominates the hunger, thirst and the animal instinct survival.

This gregarious paid to the conception of human beings, no matter how many times we try to isolate the outside world, inevitably return to find our reference points, whether family or not. With its physical proximity or through distance communication, are a constant stimulus to keep walking for life. Invisible pigeons.

So I'll take a few pictures of the rescue that have been rolling in my mind ever since. The first, the enormous emotional strain of the families of the miners while down for the first time the capsule Phoenix, the success of this decline somehow guaranteed the success of the whole mission, which ended with an explosion of pent-up emotion. The second, the cry of a child to see as it appeared in the ground, the capsule carrying his father back to earth.

A new feeling of fresh air to see the sky and recognize the intense embrace the ones you want.

A revived. In a written news stories diaspora

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Suboxone In Drug Test

write this post in a hitch.

then wake up and be still half asleep, I turned on the TV. The first images related to the news of the Award Nobel Mario Vargas Llosa. That turned out to wake up.

Minutes later, with the last fresh coffee in hand, I looked out the window: a quiet street without people, the air fresh and cool. I kept looking for a few minutes away, excited but restrained, with great joy that ran through my eyes and my chest. With the feeling of having achieved something that we worked a long time, as if an away win.

And for most of us, to a greater or lesser extent the Nobel Prize is felt as their own. Some remember the classmate Vargas Llosa and others as alumnos, otros como paisanos. Cada uno reclamará para sí una parte de este Peruano Universal como es MVLL.

Particularmente me considero un groupie de MVLL. Comencé con la Ciudad y los Perros y desde entonces no he parado. En la Universidad, tambaleando entre mi vocación médica, estaba la literaria: "quería escribir como Vargas Llosa" les decía amis compañeros de aula y eso me impulsaba a participar fallidamente en los Juegos Florales. Hasta ahora, cuando me abruma el trabajo médico me digo a mi mismo "con tantas obligaciones como las mías Vargas Llosa no hubiera podido escribir"

La primera novela que I bought with my tips was the End of the World War in 1981, by then I had read The Green House and Pantaleon. From that year I read in order of appearance, catching up with Aunt Julia and Conversation in the Cathedral.

One evening at the Cinema Arts Juliet MVLL met with his cousin Luis, I just had in hand a brochure from a presentation by Winternitz, got a pen I asked for an autograph I will pursue with devotion.

I followed in their political adventures, even in the era in which almost deprived of nationality, as in the theater I attended presentations by the Chunga, Miss Tacna, beautiful eyes, ugly pictures, and the foot of the Thames.

books I read his political essays, which led to the beach to finish them faster. For a while waiting each week to read Caretas Touchstone. And for many Sundays left everything to see the Tower of Babel on Channel 5.

For some magazines I learned of his failed adventure in the cinema by adapting Pantaleon, but then I took the rematch with the adjustments to Lombardi.

recently went to see his two-person with Vanessa Saba at the Museum de Osma. In the same way I did my tail and foot-and saw that they had seats, the discussion with Claudio Magris. Thanks to your advice through interviews or written, I bought the Thousand and One Nights, Homer, Iliad by Alessandro Baricco, and I saw the documentary Sins of My Father in the past Festival of Lima. As the latest craze Amazon buy the book Mosquito Empires , thus combining two passions, literature and tropical diseases.

climax left as my trip to Trujillo, where I went to present my book. I have only one and a half in the city, but that night would give a lecture MVLL Huanchaco. Do not hesitate to go, to hear firsthand what he had read about his creative process to find out about his new novel, sandy beach and the Mochica constructions and the sea.

For this reason I am now, research on Roger Casement and Rubber Fever in Peru, waiting impatiently to read the Dream of Celta.

is why I feel that the Nobel, remotely, so I won