night I tend to
The dark night
is quiet and sturdy as a mother with a huge skirt
Jose Watanabe
A Night
Natural History Book
A Night
Natural History Book
Last night was the crescent moon, a golden sickle to be partially visible caught in the clouds loom.
Last night I saw an article about José Watanabe, who during the interview said, if one looks light falling on a stone, nature is giving a message that you can not ignore.
Today I was thinking about how little attention people give things simple. All tucked into their screens, in private conversation be released from shouting or walking involved in their concerns.
if we ask how are the sky, plants and birds of insurance would be viewed with surprise. However, it is nature that dominates our environment and our lives, although many endeavor to think that technology has taken place.
The same laws that govern the movement of planets, ocean currents, rainfall, wind run, thunderstorms and much more govern our life processes such as breathing, sleeping, thinking or eating.
And to a certain sense, the teams that make life obey the same laws. We are part of nature but it seems that because we have forgotten or do we view it as invisible. We cherish
to get cold, we travel great distances and go through different climates to meet our loved ones, look to the sky in our moments of anguish, deep breaths to feel peace.
Open your eyes to nature, free from our technological ties from time to time to run with the freedom we need to be happy.
At least for human feeling for tiny moments.
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