Dalmaso Nora's case, which I mention in this article, is a good example.
This woman, about 50 and very pretty, was a very rich family and related facility to power, lived in a gated community very thin and full of guards, but one day was found hanged in his bed. The husband had gone on a trip the day before.
Cordoba But she knew he was a figurehead of the great power, driving a lot of money and property.
What was not said was that marriage was very wrong lately. This woman with very good sense, before asking for a divorce, a study of all the properties and deposits that had the husband, was a great fortune, but very little of it.
the mess there was assembled, the individual could not share what was not his, but legally she accounted for half of "everything" and she was very firm in order, backed by lawyers, of course, and that's how he dug the grave.
As this is a political crime will never be clarified.
not forget to remember: as a famous expert criminologist who worked on the case of MM Garcia Belsunce, talking on a local radio station said, " as last year I said" ; the year 2011 will be a great crime, banks will be on duty, drug money will take more than the ordinary etc. etc. etc. because 2011 is an election year and many millions were needed to cover campaign expenses and hold on to power ... " also added: "The helicopter that went missing on January 2, does not appear. The case of the three dead in General Rodriguez, you never know who killed them and even less if these contributed to the campaign of CFK. De Nora Dalmasso no news, because it is a political case. In fact, they are all cases arising from local politics. Thus, a case is covering the previous and hope are lost as the water between your toes ... "
At this point, and everything that has happened in the world, there are few things that surprised me. Thank God, though not completely lost my ability to surprise me a bit more each day. So when you hear these words of the expert, my jaw dropped on the PC keyboard, leaving my mouth open and dry with an unpleasant taste that recurs every day.
Argentolia Country You live in anxious and lately things are. For Clarin Nation and everything is wrong and Argentine Time, Looks to the South, we live in Disneyland. So ... we have left? not forget.
And I do not want to forget ... And do not forget that I still have many unanswered questions, the answers, surely I would feel better.
For example, I wonder:
- and the helicopter disappeared?
- and Nilda Garre? and gendarmerie? and insecurity?
- and the money that was stolen from the funds of the President, for your trip to the Middle East? (U.S. $ 586 thousand)
- Commissioners and heads of federal? and police in the province?
- and 1700 there clandestine airstrips in the country? and lax border controls anyone?
- and James and his trip to Venezuela, what else is needed to put him in jail to this bum figurehead of the government? Oyarbide need another test?
- and radars that should control the sky overhead? and the Air Force should do so and it allowed? Who would not allow it?
- and who charge the 944 kilos of cocaine base in Moron?
- and the 740 kilos of cocaine were found at the farm of the party deputy PERONIST jealously defend?
- Justice? and Political Rights?
- and Marcelo Ferreyra?
- and the armored truck and police dead?
- and the assault on the Bank? Which of them all?
- and the theft of the safe deposit boxes?
- and 82% mobile?
- and Scioli? And insecurity in the province Buenos Aires?
- and the bullet train?
- and the trains that were purchased from Spain that are rusting in Tucuman and Workshops Malos Aires?
- and the works that are opening than ever are enabled? or those that were opened 10 times?
- and indigenous people who die from malnutrition in Chaco, Formosa and Salta?
- and why Hebe Bonafini, mothers and grandmothers did not accompany the pain Mothers whose children were victims of crime? or those killed do not count?
- and human rights?
- and Skanska, yeah, yeah ... And Skanska?
- and 900 million Anses that "wear and not invest "in" Football for All?
- and the rest of the monies spent Anses and not recovered for real target "Pensioners"?
- and the bag of Antonini Wilson?
- and Felisa Miceli?
- and Julio Cesar López ?
- and us?
- and ... (You're probably thinking "and Candela, and the bike" ? But, no. This is not a joke ... this is reality, Wake up idiot!, This is happening to you, you, as you head wash ... is your mind ... is your future, present and future of all Argentines! Wake once !!!... do not be BOLUDON CUBA happened to him is going to Venezuela. .. and going to let happen to us? or resources of those jerks who applaud Fidel, Hugo Chavez or Evo? ... if aplaudís, you can take an airplane and choose to live in those countries ... Wake gil! .. We are worried and do not react!
And ...?
Each day we add a new question, which probably will not answer. Why? Because we live in "Argentolia, labored country, and we are indolent, easy to anger but rather inactive. We put the finger of King Kong to review the guts and did we complain. And if we complain, we are with the sheath. Anesthetized, forgetful and confused, not wanting to see, the only thing that comes to mind for this country, is re send a mail complaining and think that everything is ?
Please do not let the Tinelli Bailando not allow you to see what they're doing with your life without that you can decide if that's what you want.
Meanwhile, ask yourself: Ruling ... is given priority?
If the answer is yes, do not forget to remember, because it depends on solving the urgent and important. To build a country seriously and have a decent life.
where no justice is dangerous to be right, because the idiots are the majority.