Saturday, April 9, 2011

Blazer With Jeans Untucked Shirt

fatal sacred. "Freedom, freedom, freedom?

We will not be able to say I did not know . Because we knew and know.

We will not be able to say how it was that happened . Because we were eyewitnesses of the events.

We will not be able to say that horror look what they did. We saw and lived each action.

We will not be able to say that horro insecurity and how many are dead . Because we never express as responsible citizens.

We will not be able to clarify: what happened to the countryside. we know clearly what happened to the field.

We will not be able to say because there are so mining pollution. Because we have very clear when, where and how.

We will not be able to say what happened to the INDEC? Because the new rates INDEK hits us in the face daily.

We will not be able to say why so much land foreignized? Because we were silent witnesses to the looting.

We will not be able to say what happened to the security forces? For watching TV, I saw and what we see daily.

We will not be able to say NARCO made us a nation. Because we do so without protest seeing happen.

We will not be able to say where is ANSES silver, Central? Because we know exactly when removed.

We will not be able to say why there is so much infant mortality and malnutrition? Because childhood flogged this in every corner.

We will not be able to say that fear of corruption . Because you're a mute accomplice braid.

We will not be able to say what justice where it is? Because never seek justice.

We will not be able to say opposition did nothing. Cause what we demand never, in any case it seems to us much.

We will not be able to say what happened to our freedom of speech? Because giving away served on a platter.

We will not be able to say no one voted . Because voted, supported them and many still support them. You, too, and we. Because the reality is that we did not do anything to prevent it. We are the "ruling class move.

We will not be able to say: I protest march on the field in lala insecurity in media law, of the media blackout against mining pollution, against malnutrition, theft of our old people, against the dismantling of the security forces against pro-drug policies against emptying of hospitals and education, etc, etc and so on. Because there was marches in many cases and the few that was the truth, that we saw.

The only thing we can say in a couple of years to justify (lying) is that we are Brazilians, or who live outside the country, or who were in coma, or better yet we did not times, we learned that we were interested or not. In the latter case we are closer to reality.

But between you and I know clearly that we did absolutely nothing but complain.

not submitted, nor submissive, or fearful. Even comfortable. Auto califiquémonos so deeply and honestly, stop complaining. We are the most critical for the National dismantling system works so neatly. Moreover, we are so stupid that we see each other as well as bills are passed to and theft. They fight, using us as well, of hostages, unsettling bourgeois in our daily work with pickets, strikes, etc. For the Republic, the Nation and all that great we were and we lost to time.

The Rosette is only "jewelry." Do not forget to wear it on May 25. Elevate your look a bit "pseudo Argentina."

"Hear the noise fatal sacred liberty, freedom, freedom ..."

Source: Trixie Adeba


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