Friday, April 29, 2011

Nero Burning Rom Change Burn Speed

resignation of concejal

The PSOE councilors Amancio Trillo and Mary Junquera Cambeiro no longer receive their salaries for the exclusive dedications were approved as members of local government.

Amancio Trillo said that for consistency, must surrender their salaries if there is any legal impediment to it. But their votes were needed before the announced abstention of other groups, except the independents, who supported the decision.

was generated some discussion and finally voted on and also did the two councilors. There were no interventions from other political groups in a session they did not attend the Selectmen of PP Antonio Domínguez and Juan Pineiro.

The PSOE councilors will therefore collect less than a month to the municipal elections. Will continue the Mayor, Ramón Vigo that follows the front of City Hall with a minimal government.

(which takes place in Costa)


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