Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Can Buy Sang Som Ireland

fine the government "to Google Earth?

After eight years of strong growth and increased government spending, the Government argues that all social indicators have improved significantly. And those statistics are less optimistic and say there's high inflation hurts the poor, the fine.
The equation is simple. If inflation is much higher than that measured to INDEC, the poor are far more than the official statistics say.
But there are ways of looking at the reality show paradoxical results in a period of very high growth. Google Earth images, for example. If poverty fell as much as says the INDEC and the economy is much more egalitarian, as President Cristina Kirchner said Why grew in the same period important shantytowns? The photographs show expansions alarming
Villa Rodrigo Bueno - 2002
Villa Rodrigo Bueno - Year 2010
Villa 21 in Barracks - 2000

Villa 21 in Barracks - Year 2010
in Retreat Villa 31 - 2000
in Retreat Villa 31 - Year 2010
Ingeniero Budge (Province of Buenos Aires) - 2000
Villa in Ingeniero Budge (Province of Buenos Aires) - Year 2010
The problem is that although the figures are created in the data Indec poverty and job insecurity are still soaring.
last report on Employment and Social Development of the Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA) 44% of workers have precarious jobs. It is not self-employed professionals, employed as domestic servants, black workers and beneficiaries of social programs that have no other income. Are 4.6 million people who report income of $ 1200 monthly average, which for the UCA is less than a third of gross pay (not pocket) average formal occupied.
Indec For the poor are only 2,890,963. Calculate the UCA report found that using inflation indices from the consulting deprive the number climbs to nearly double: 5,620,635. The difference arises for obvious reasons. To calculate whether a family is poor or there is to know if your income sufficient to cover the so-called basic basket Total (CBT), a minimum set of food and services. As according to the official measurement of inflation is almost nonexistent, are increasingly getting families meet or exceed the cost of that basket. But private consultants say prices rise at least twice, especially food. And are not employed informal peer or union representation, or hope to participate in corporate profits and suffer the loss of living standards.
What is surprising is that even questioned Indec figures are quite high values \u200b\u200bfor the poverty that still exceeds 11% and even affects almost one in ten people who have an occupation.
private But the situation is even worse. With inflation, the report estimates the UCA valued at 22.6% of total poverty and registers that are in that situation one in five people who have an occupation.
What is the reason for the persistence of such high poverty in either case? The huge differences between those employed in the formal sector and the informal. The former are much farther, on average, the poverty line, except a portion that looks the least prepared and favored. By contrast, in the poor sector vulnerabilities are self-evident.
However, the "photo" get UCA specialists to look through the lens of the private statistics most closely resembles what the pictures of Earth that the picture Gooble that draws the INDEC. Can we start fining the government now also Google Earth?


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