E Stuve few days in Prague, was before the Wall fell, when there were many formalities to enter and to exit: the door had been narrowed . At that time, Kafka was charged with petty counter, as a result, the Czechs, had only some redacted text, while in East Germany, we were told, and could be read his complete works. All this censorship was not an obstacle for many to approach the Golden Lane, next to the castle, where he remained his tiny home studio, in front of us all we photographed.
course remember the Powder Tower, where, after work, at noon, he would stay with his friend Max Brod, Carolus bridge over the Vltava, which walked in a canoe, the Casino modernist and how no, the Jewish cemetery, also a second-hand market, without much effort, was comparable to any of his texts, especially by his ecstatic silence.
Kafka, perhaps unintentionally, has recounted the history of the twentieth century. Kafka has become an epithet that can summarize some of the episodes in all, as citizens, we have been involved throughout life, and so it seems, this century, will remain valid.
Why read it? They often believe that simply placing writers in the classic category, for the same reason, we should devote a few hours over our lives. The classics, you know, must be read, if we understand where we came from and where we go. According to this criterion read Homer, Dante, Cervantes, Shakespeare, Dickens, Hugo, Goethe, and many others who have preceded us, are essential to know our world, to use words properly, to provide images that assist us in the days when we hit the vacuum everyday, facing this gap where we have installed. However it is very possible that this finding is not sufficient.
Kafka takes us to a Sunday morning, bright, gorgeous and fragile, which closes in black, when the sweet lady, fresh from a very clean house, with the distance
the loss of memory attached to the faces, features something that just understand
are words. The reality is that with which he stumbles, says María Zambrano.
The writer is designed to make visible their world, we are overlooking something that seems to recognize, distant, alien to our interests, like rain falling on a hot land, evaporates. That is why Kafka insists, has been to submit final images of loneliness, to offer thoughtful characters who walk around cities are always strangers, where it awaits the unusual interior.
Kafka knew this space was no longer inhabit the place of thought to become in his absence and thought: a world whose interest basis, is intended to tyranny .
The gods have become the stuff to be shown at festivals, however, on the mirrors where you look at the men, there is still a remnant of the flame, almost about to be ash, hence the urgent need to write. Because the word is not written, it disappears and it is in writing where consciousness resides.
Sometimes in a book found by chance, opened without a purpose, thus we have sought for years, finally drift into chaos order. Perhaps when he saw the Valle-Inclán grotesque, decided the opportunity to say, to clarify these ideas, such as goats were lying scattered on the mountain and needed to return to the fold.
How to read Kafka? In Jewish tradition, the door has a symbolic value says that every book is presented as if it were a door to which appears a key, key mismatch. Behind the door guess the riddle to be solved.
Some people walk through a city, goes into all their homes, wandering through the temples, libraries and runs as if it does not have doors, others, however, when they reach the same city, are all closed, blocked the entrances, they wander like lost souls in the streets.
calls Kafka knows that doors will be opened, which is necessary to strike for our survival. Then understand that writing is but the key idea, fact that justifies the existence of the doors.
Alber in his Panorama of European literature 1900-1970, in this text that looks like a Kafka fable:
In the center of the city around a statue on the pedestal wearing a sign saying that common sense is the best thing divided, met for three centuries men to confront their ideas. Opinions differed often, and then asked that the statue judged, sometimes could settle scores with a fight, but always in the shadow of the statue.
In 1900 the statue was beginning to give murga too abstract and made judgments about the living reality. He forgot that the statue was not only a judge but also a meeting place.
Guillermo de Torre, history of avant-garde literature , devotes a chapter to Kafka and the absurd believable or Kafka and impossible logic. Here are some of their considerations:
-Lo credible abides in the heart the absurd.
Her fictions are not nocturnal products.
"The uniqueness of Kafka, Camus said," is the fusion of two worlds, that of life co-
Tidiane and the concern of the supernatural.
-foreboding: sensed with chilling clarity the ends to be reduced the human condition in a society shaken by a mixture of cruelty, inhuman violence and alienation.
in the maternal family, the older brother, Alfred, became director general of the English railways. It was composed of solitary, shy, quiet. They were his qualities: persistence, impressionability, sense of justice and concern.
In the Father's strength, health, appetite, strength of voice, oratory skill, self-satisfaction, worldly superiority, perseverance, presence of mind and a certain open-mindedness.
More like the mother, Kafka, name of Czech origin, means crow, was one of the thirty thousand Jews from German-speaking territory Czech also made use of Czech and used to learn Hebrew. From early on his will was written, in one of the letters to Milena said: not say that two hours of life worth more than two typed pages, the writing is poorer but clearer .
His law studies enabled him to become an excellent officer insurance. The work occupied him until three, and have allowed the rest to write. He felt the urge to publish, which will at the behest of his friend Max Brod, executor ordered to burn all his manuscripts, is to him we owe the publication of their posthumous works, diaries and letters. It was not too fond of the synagogue, and Zionist, he liked the Jewish popular theater, and studied Hebrew. The considerations which have been made about whether his work is due to a stormy relationship with the father, and consequently sort of Freudian therapy, only will point.
The conflict is described in Letter to Father , confession of the failure of a man, this is a detailed study in frustration. Compared to what once had been the education of princes treaty, it would be a negative utopia, but the father appears as a representative of society, I think it becomes a summary of all the constraints, obstacles to be overcome to live in society. The door is there, this is where it goes, is also closed.
The Country Doctor , dedicated to his father, when it is announced, he replied:
- put it on the bedside table .
is true that when we read Process, Castle , presents a reality whose order is in conflict with the individual stars that could recall the family structure, controlled by a parent drive. The door is part of the world of men, unaware of its existence is tantamount to ignoring the real story.
The complexity that we face, it looks like the permanent crisis that we find as we approach the twentieth century. highlight some fragments The Process:
- Admite que no conoce la ley, y al mismo tiempo afirma que es inocente .
- Lo deduzco del hecho de que estoy acusado, pero no puedo encontrar la menor falta de la que me pueda acusar. Pero también es accesorio, la cuestión principal es: ¿quién me acusa? ¿Qué órgano instruye el procedimiento? ¿son ustedes funcionarios?
Delaying that is subject to the defendant, not knowing anything, both the type of charge as the deal with the process itself, point to a default similar to the character suffer Larra back tomorrow , leading to its abandonment, who by his alien status, and waiver to laws or rules that are not theirs. JK But it will not be able to leave and, little by little, the external conflict becomes a matter of conscience, another door will not open.
Everything happens in a gray landscape, dirt, interior labyrinth with multiple steps, stale air, rooms improbable, rickety children, helpless women who have sex frenzy.
beliefs that supported the world have evaporated, leaving only something like a salt crust, like a skin that would prevent the new body sweat. God, Justice, Charity, have disappeared, Queen's interest, however survives aura of moisture, about to disappear, often surround the salt the sense of guilt. Is no answer, but asks. He questioned continuously by the sense that beats beneath the thousand ways in which disguised the anxiety, the anguish of existence. The questions we face reality as strange land where everything becomes the everyday rough and unsafe.
we being someone in a world in which we are one, it is therefore a useless. The man is as irrelevant subject, thrown to the transcendent, so that only in the fall we discover their authenticity.
Ultimately, since the word does not belong, always closed, inheritance we are obligated to manage, hence our overwhelming desire to discover what is behind the door.
The Metamorphosis, also translated as Transformation to avoid the classic seal, which tends to a mythical. Written in the autumn of 1912, published in 1915. It is the first work of Kafka translated into English, 1925, a year after his death, Magazine West numbers 24/25. In the same journal, 1927, appeared The Hunger Artist .
argument The Metamorphosis might be this: there is a parent's debt must be repaid. This commitment is on the son, Gregor, and prevents their vocational project. Is forced to work as a traveling salesman, with a dual responsibility, the derivative of the work itself, and that means the postponement of parental debt. In five years never missed, was always punctual, keeps the family, has provided a comfortable life, so so that neither the father nor the mother nor sister, seventeen years, working also have a cook and maid, while Gregor
Samsa travels constantly, always in hotel rooms, and slope of the train schedules.
situation is abruptly interrupted day wakes become a stranger.
short stories, divided into three parts. Navokof, where Course European literature, the team to three acts, divided into scenes. Special importance to space, a house at the time, and in it, especially doors and windows.
The work includes a few months until next spring. The character retains some capacity for reflection and a high degree of affection and appreciation to the family. Hyperbole beetle investment proposes a cause and effect, no is the reality of others we see distorted, but ourselves.
For more than a month will hurt the apple and rotten remains embedded in the back. What does it mean? Perhaps referring to the apple of Eve, expulsion from the small paradise that has been home and family.
In this book, Kafka, illustrates the impossibility of being a hero. The mother, daughter, father tired, Gregor, who has been the son and brother, in the way, is an obstacle to their existence and impedes economic development. They can not have guests, do not leave, living under the tyranny of its presence, hence who feel release after his death. Gradually the bonds of affection that unite them are giving, it is something with which every relationship is impossible. The traditional family is now displayed naked, presents it as an institution that maintains a harmonious emotional appearance, while all goes well, but so fragile that everything can collapse. Once dead, Gregor is just another useless junk, that the maid can throw them away.
Kafka chooses a fragment of reality and analyzes it carefully, as a result, presentation, ceases to belong to the object or corner that displays and becomes inside ourselves. What view? Perhaps the absence of God, the gap, the orphanage where man survives.
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