Monday, May 2, 2011

Minnetonka Shoes Made In Mn

Lefteris Poulias - ΛΕΥΤΕΡΗΣ ΠΟΥΛΙΟΣ, by Bartholomew Sources

L Argas verse runs, looking for ways to Pound River or Ginsberg. A young man at war against the modern world, and met the howl of the beat generation . A young man who looked at reality with blind eyes, feeling intensely beyond. The proximity to the madness, the drunkenness of extreme experiences for some time courted testify in his verses, of the dangerous path to salvation taken by an inward-looking man, caver and adventurer from the depths of the self, from which emerge the prophetic word, abundant, overflowing, in the state of delusion which sought to find salvation and believed (in collections such as Song, naked He , School allegorical).

Over time, as will become more concise, to the latest works almost epigrammatic, thinned verbal material according to the internal logic that presides over all mystical quest ( last words, Theorem , Secret Collection ). So things are and do not support mystification. To Poulias, poetry writing at the expense of the poet's death is like a grown mound in place at the expense of their own demise. What is next?, You can argue. The author himself refers to it, describing himself as a possible clue: "I find something of darkness where I can / picked on me and cry / write only for a few (" Βρίσκω λίγο σκοτάδι όπου μπορώ / σκυμμένος να Κλάψω και / γράφω μονάχα για λίγους "), and joining the long list of those who, in the East and West and from time immemorial, have contemplated the reality in the protective covering of sleep. "My eyes have seen / y mis o í dos han o í do / Que sean estas mis ú ltimas palabras "( "My eyes are shall see and / or my ears have heard / They let my last λόγια " ) .

But before getting to the point of silence toward which the poem, each poem, Poulias passes over the pain and seeks its mark on the tongue, a language before the same Being ( Σε μια γλώσσα προγενέστερη του ίδιου του Είναι " Γιώργος Βέλτσος ). Prophet, seer, started, martyr or witness to unbelieving times since his first poems to the current Η κρυφή συλλογἠ opens the road traveled over a territory, on a nameless space, perhaps inconceivable to our contemporaries, the Mahmoud referred Shabestari when questioned "Quelle est cette mer dont you rivage est le silence? ( What sea is this whose bank is silence? ).

Poulias Terrible company committed so huge!




M etro in fingers cut my Xeria

The time to wander in these chambers t'anemou

other hand I do not love me and the doors

not want to close and the dogs are adamant

With bare feet dipped them in dirty water

By looking bare my heart (not me)

A blue box

How many rooms they built tosa tragic books

Without a light crack

Without a breath

After each room and an open wound

How to go down stairs again crumbling

Among mire again, and disappeared from the wild dogs

bring medicines and pink gauze

And if I find the pharmacy closed

And if you find pezameno pharmacist

And if you find a bare my heart in the window of the pharmacy

not not finished there salvation

will stay as the rooms are

With the wind and the lalamia

With the debris of glass persons groans

Without clear the bleeding

With hands-pattern lie to me

By asychoreti oblivion

forgot their own My fleshly minted Xeria

While measuring distress



C ount with severed fingers of my hands

the hours spent wandering in the wind terraces

I have no other hands my love and doors

not want to close and dogs are stubborn

Barefoot sunk in these waters dirty

With heart look naked (not me)

A blue window

How many rooms built many books tragic

Without a thread of light

Without a breath of fresh air

For the patient reader

Since each room is an open wound

How to lose again stairs crumble

Between mud and wild dogs again

medicines and bandages to bring roses

And if the pharmacy was closed

And the pharmacist died

and if my heart found naked in the window of the pharmacy

enough No no no salvation

That rooms remain as they are

With the wind and the babbling

With their faces crushed glass regime

With bleeding colorless

Porcelain Hands who lie to me

With its inexcusable neglect

forgot my hands were cut meat

she told her agony


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