Thursday, May 5, 2011

Silver City Tuesday Price

V ive secretly passes

and never hold back;

not tell them your name,

no vice missing you never be known,

you are a man, remember,

brave to rashness.

the field or remotely winters castrum,

well have to go grocery

favors and facilities.

That fortune

if you set out another route,

not want to believe bad intentions,

dieses any step in that direction.

expatriate Secretly,

atráete rancor

beyond vague under an assumed name,

let yourself in suspense science desert

and recógete withdrawal from the world.

At dawn balcony overlooking the

recited verses to passersby

burns with the brightness

of the wing and close to extinction.

If you see death coming

see your release come with it.

Alfredo Rodríguez


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