(*) The Governments of Sao Paulo Forum.
STAGE: Stage implementation. "Popular government."
This step may take one or three presidencies of the ruling or the same party or coalition of the left. Depend on popular acceptance implementing each of these points may therefore ignore some of them or accelerate the process in its second stage.
care: increased family allowances and child, pregnant, emergency plans, grants, etc. Objective: planting of votes for the next election.
Increased number of public positions: For each new job estimated age 4 votes of the family. Private capital began to leave their investment: your employees are absorbed by the public. Objective: planting of votes.
Increased wages and pensions (includes liabilities no pension contributions): Initially with the obvious approval of the working class and trade unions. Later, the spiral begins to liquefy all inflationary increases. Objective: voter loyalty and planting of new votes.
Media: Through advertising ensures that only those journalists have a voice, actors, conductors and artists-government. Start self-censorship.
armed and security forces: Pursuit of those who have fought in the war against subversion 60/70 (Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia). Media and judicial persecution.
Culture, media campaigns and installation array of arguments against opposing personalities of the local culture.
Corruption: The facts are public knowledge of corruption involving officials of third or fourth line. This has a double objective: social impact that the government does not support corruption and at the same time, "align" behind them entire public administration, which, fearing prosecution and armed plots against him (summary, judgments) act faithfully to the government. This, coupled with confidence and political officials, unable to find other similar work, they get the facts of corruption are reduced to a "desk girl" of the government, but expanded in terms of amounts referred.
Discrimination and Human Rights: The government has found a niche of voters in marginalized minorities (indigenous, homosexuals, transsexuals, etc) and legislated for them. Objective: To create groups ideological model for defense and loyalty of voters. Speculation is encouraged to allegations of discrimination in personal conflicts, labor, etc.
Cuba's crumbling and backward |
recent past Review: permanent Evocation of past military dictatorships or democratic governments. Objective: To recreate the image of a currently non-existent enemy, but feared. Installed as the only possible government
Desvalorización de símbolos patrios: Modificaciones en banderas, escudos, himnos.
Aumento exponencial de la delincuencia común: La delincuencia es esencial a la implantación del neocomunismo. Los hechos de violencia neutralizan, atomizan, aíslan y recluyen los posibles actos de protesta de trabajadores de clase media. Los delincuentes ganan las calles. Incluye programas de desarme de la población civil. Al mismo tiempo, la misma delincuencia será en el futuro mano de obra barata del narcotráfico.
security forces: the progressive dismantling. Smear campaigns for alleged acts of corruption. Lack of equipment and authority to carry out the work towards ensuring human rights of offenders.
Impunity offenses: Fair Judges entrench impunity. Use for minor crime of not criminally responsible.
Opposition: begins to fragment and line up behind the band officially. No references.
Church begin clashes with authorities of the Catholic Church.
Occupations factories are not operational and public land or private: As a prelude to expropriation, foreign capital began to leave the country. National media to business pursuits. Nationalization of privatized enterprises. The middle class is unable to organize in opposition.
Increased NGO `s from left: transnational networking for the siege to the opposition.
Creating shock groups: Used as a support for violence without guns yet, developers of the model in pro-government political activities and public events to neutralize opposition. Linked to specific sports leadership and drug sectors.
Education: creation of new universities. Scholarships indiscriminate. Clientelism and seed leftist groups that will sustain the regime ideologically. At this point, the educational level is very low at all levels of education.
Increased income tax or wealth: These taxes amount to average wage workers and lower-middle order confiscatory which applies to the "redistribution of wealth."
Increased drug use and drug trafficking: New clandestine airstrips. Increased aircraft accidents due to overloading. Birth of a new affluent class, mostly young people below 40 years.
housing census: Its aim is to determine amount of vacant homes and business owners with more than one dwelling. The data is recorded for the third phase.
trade union fragmentation: Those leaders not aligned with the emerging regime are removed to form trade union dissidents, no less success.
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A sad example of the state of the hospitals in Cuba |
Break health system: The private health care providers fail to provide quality services in a context of growing inflation and high cost of wages and job safety. They are almost forced to sell their companies to be very low price or nationalized. State hospitals and public sectors have low, medium low, middle and high with the consequent collapse of
SECOND STAGE: Stage implementation. Consolidation.
Break the middle class As was the goal with the Armed Forces and FFSS in the first stage, now it is with the middle class. Hopelessness, helplessness, subversion of established order. The aim is to destroy it, better yet, call, down, below even the lower class. Stigmatizing, it guilty of the poverty of others, military dictatorships, discrimination, abuse suffered by offenders, etc. Fragmented middle class, culpable, fearful, inexperienced and comfortable can not deal with these regimes
Constitutional Reform: (for enthroned in power). May or may not be necessary will depend on the chances of other candidates "opposition" by then either be aligned to the regime or have left the political scene.
Approval of gay marriage.
Adoption of abortion.
Act or gag media. Censorship Act.
opponents full Persecution: War media and judiciary.
Judicialization of all conflicts: Judicialization politics. The Judiciary collapses, becoming a clerk of government.
Crime rules the streets, total impunity.
Economic decline: FastStart the inflationary spiral.
Marijuana Legalization: Legalization holding and planting for personal use
total moral and physical destruction of the armed forces and security
fragmented Opposition can win elections, but are incapable of generating an effective management let alone grow in number of adherents).
are generated "new enemies" left. Armed assault groups now begin to act: political, ideological and operationally respond to the government in power, but through the media are "ultra-leftist groups opposed to the ruling." In the future, formed armed militias
Division of municipalities, provinces or departments: Promotes electoral assembly, creating public office and greater control of local opposition groups.
Persecution of Catholic minorities : (law of worship). The enactment of this Act allows the persecution of Catholic groups, evangelical Christians and spiritual schools open order
armed militias created: Previous violent groups, only present in acts of infiltrated government or opposition groups, will now receive military training in lieu of the Armed Forces and destroyed in the 2nd. stage
STAGE: The initial phase of neo-communism .
Prisoners and political crimes.
Attack on the Catholic Church.
Regime election as the ruling party.
spurious elections.
inflationary spiral.
This chronological list allows us to identify at what stage we are. Depend on those no longer willing to defend "human rights", but HUMAN VALUES, prevent this re-involution follow your process.
know what is happening. Then do not say we did not realize.
wake "today or tomorrow we repent?
SOURCE: Viviana Padelin
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