Sunday, May 8, 2011

Salomon Xt Wing S Lab2 2010

Thanks to our readers

O s agradecemos la respuesta que estáis teniendo a nuestra revista impresa (Núm 20-23).

Con vuestra adquisición de ejemplares podremos seguir editando la revista de papel, como lo hacemos: de forma absolutamente independiente. Agora magazine, both for those who write it to some readers, is now a collector's magazine, neat and free.

edit While we can not duplicate paper a year, keep editing it every year, so that would be something like an annual compilation of the digital newsletter published during that period.

The next appointment with the print magazine, then, is foreseen for spring 2012.

Meanwhile, we get to work now.

editing, during this year (2011): the digital newsletter 24 , from June to July. (After which we will say goodbye to November and whose content is already closed ), the digital newsletter 25, November-December (this will include the failure of Andrew Salom- Awards Agora, the modalities poetry, short stories and essays, among all submissions received).

And during the first quarter of next year (2012): The digital bulletin 26, January-February, the digital newsletter 27 (March-April).

On these dates in April, spring 2012, is predicted to edit collection printed journal, with the selection of four online newsletters listed.

Well, these are the forecasts.

As for issues, we suggest to send contributions from July this year (although you can send on any other matter, and we may consider requesting for the magazine) have highlighted the following:

      1. Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos (of which this 2011 is the bicentenary of his death)

      2. Becquer, the 175 anniversary of his birth.

      3. The work (poetry, essays, translations ...) in Luis Alberto de Cuenca.

      4. Miguel Hernández, poscentenario.

digital Especially we are preparing a monograph for November 2011 or the first quarter of 2012 on the poet Luis Alberto de Cuenca , which is (we believe) one of these three four living masters of poetry in English.

We invite you to send during this year- before September 30 - articles or creative writing on these topics proposed and, in particular on Luis Alberto de Cuenca.

I ask, though, that you read at Agora Publishing because we do not like having to turn your collaborations that do not conform to these standards.


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