Sunday, May 15, 2011

Confirmation Letter Ideas

Núñez. Song of life, with several voices, for an angel castaway

" arrive

and are infinite, Mick,

with the smell of the cosmos,

moon dressed in rags ...

shipwrecked angels. "

(Raúl Núñez." Poem for Mick Jagger howling and God ")

ace H quite a few years we opened this section of Unusual to claim a writer then almost totally unknown, which after time has done justice - there have been editions and reprints of his work, articles, tributes number, etc .- was José María Fonollosa. Then came many others, some still remain in limbo "? from oblivion, others, however, are beginning, if you have not already done so, to stand in his assessment, but all of them will sooner or later come later rather than sooner, most of the time- its just recognition. For this to happen will require the enthusiastic and selfless work of authors clairvoyant in the right direction, with no more interest to apprehend a literary reality in all its infinite expansion and satisfy their curiosity, which enjoy a view is not biased the canons of pro-establishment , able to track through the undergrowth of the impositions of the monopolized market-critical editorial, to find literary events in all its purity, jewelry alternatives not bowed to the prevailing fashions and therefore suffered ostracism and indifference. Without the work of investigation and disclosure of these authors, the history of literature would be the story Monolithic blessed, for various reasons and not always literary, for power. Imagine a history of literature without Villon, without or without Baudelaire Poe. This section contributes humbly with your two cents, with each new edition, this does not happen.

It is time to recognize and rescue from oblivion the poet and writer Raul Nunez, a real fucking writer in our literature that paradoxes of literature, was included in the catalogs of the most prestigious publishing houses this country (call Tusquets and Anagram) and whose novels inspired even two movies, but then disappeared from the overnight. A slab undeserved silence has weighed on his work over the past two decades, among other things, not to have the blessing of criticism canonized. However, more and more the voices of a new generation, tired of the constraints of the literary supplements and official magazine, have opposed from the means at its disposal, especially their blogs, the figure of the author, who represents the man in the street, struggling to survive loser fitting the shocks of life, the alienated and domesticated current literary scene in the naive escape prevailing commercial, historical idealization, masturbation free metaliterary seudofilosófica or abstraction. Undoubtedly contributed to its publishers claim two happy events: the publication of all his poetic work completed by the Sol Dance editorial titled Marijuana for birds (1), prefaced by Alfons Cervera and epilogue by Uberto Stabile , and the tribute that the fanzine Vinalia Trippers in your supplement provides Poemash. Raúl Núñez Special (2), in which twelve current poets - among which is the undersigned this article, pay tribute to the master.

We have contacted various participants in the anthology Poemash and others who feel admiration for Raúl Núñez, all essential in the current alternative literary scene, known protagonists of anthologies and author of several books, and have kindly agreed to leave their impressions and opinions about their life and work, as that is a tribute section to an unusual Unusual essential through the voices of "unusual" today, they will find their place later monograph on these pages. They are : DAVID GONZALEZ (Gijón, 1964) MUÑOZ VICENTE ALVAREZ (León, 1966), JOSE ANGEL BARRUECO (Zamora, 1972) Bonilla GSUS (Badajoz, 1971); JAVIER MEMBA (Madrid, 1959) PASCAL ALFONSO ROS (Pamplona, \u200b\u200b1965), Esteban Gutierrez Gomez, "BACO" (Madrid, 1963); SONIA SAN ROMAN (La Rioja, 1976); PATXI IRURZUN (Pamplona , 1969); INMA Luna (Madrid, 1966), ANDREW PEREZ RAMON BLANCO, "Kebra (Illescas, 1976) and D. SILVIA GIRL (León, 1968).

Raul Nunez was born in Buenos Aires in 1946, but already in the first 70 he moved to Barcelona where he will remain, except for a hiatus of two years in Amsterdam and a brief stay in Madrid until his transfer final to Valencia in the late 80's, where he died in 1996. Left written several novels: Pour whiskey over your dead friend (3), Sinatra (4), The blonde at the bar (5)-the latter two filmed by Francesc Betriu and Ventura Pons, respectively , alone with Betty Boop (6) and the unreleased Out of combat, a selection of texts published in the Bulletin weekly Turia: The silent howling (7), and poetry books: Poems shipwrecked angels (1969-70), St. John Lopez Road (1970-71), rock Jougla (1971-72), Cannabis Flan (1976) and the anthology People, published in Tusquets in 1974 (8), all collected in the aforementioned volume set for the birds Marijuana (1).

Despite this rich legacy, Raul has not had the recognition they deserved a "cursed", but not a damn pose or a showcase, but true. According to David Gonzalez, " " cursed "is an artist who is poor solemnity and whose work has been recognized for Raúl contemporáneos.En for this crime has " then referred to the author of Love is not to contemporary issues in Anagram and Tusquets and the film version of The blonde at the bar, adding:" happened in those years, 70 at 75, was the dominant poetic power who wrote the so-called last things, and of course, Raúl was already sold in advance. His collected poetry reminiscent of the poetry of the Beat Generation, as well as incorporating elements of what has been called "dirty realism", so, in my opinion, Raul Nunez can be considered the introducer of the current poetic Spain, whose maximum outside our borders representative was none other than Charles Bukowski. It can be said that Raul was ahead of his time and paid for somehow. It still paying. For, though not long ago released his complete poetry entitled Marijuana for birds (Ediciones de Baile del Sol), you can almost say that an author remains unknown to most people . "

novelist and columnist Javier Memba, one of the leading specialists in damn writers, speaks of" A truly unusual option in English literature from the late 70's, when Canon was the commitment, the denunciation of the country's political past, the Civil War and other perennial tostones on. I remember that I discovered in the same collection as Kerouac and Burroughs, Star Books, a myth in the counterculture and English marginality, which Pour whiskey over your dead friend was his number 28. In People , his anthology of poetry, I was struck by the first sentence of the cover in which those verses were advertised as "a gallery of freaks ." " Freak" was a keyword for which we stayed in the garlic. " communing with the view of Memba, Esteban Gómez Gutiérrez Núñez as regards " the spirit of the counterculture, the picture of the truth ." Everyone agrees to associate badness and truth, the word damn cobra Raúl overtones of real human truth and to Andrés Ramón Pérez Blanco, " Raúl was a damn (damn not be pretended, friends), a cursed us free gift with case "is" the last hope of true literature, born in the streets, is this kind of country called Spain, where it concluded that the real writers of oblivion, if not hunger . "

Gsus Bonilla, the question of what it means Raúl Núñez for you, answer " is like asking it means to me" life ", ie what does the existence of a way of life ... The good thing is that Núñez many of his writings does justice to the meaning of "human being", with their successes and their failures, their strengths and weaknesses. " Nunez is in his literature ideal perspective to listen to the heartbeat of the city man who lives alone, but not the one degraded and dumbed down by the context, but this one has not yet succumbed to his alienating hazards and remains capable of love in its purest form: the marginal, the tramp, the artist, the "angel castaway" excluded from society, noble, brotherly, honest, capable of magically feel the reality, with or without help psychotropic, hosting the only " old dream / to change the human heart " ("Boundary"). For this is the word that " survive all " ("Twenty Years") poetry that redeems the best in man, " while outside kill / men who do not write " ("Poem in the bathroom"), but that would be void if constituted an end in itself love it and would not provide " not a matter of making poetry / But to give love " ("John, the castaway").

And Raul Nunez gives it, well he gives, as it is doing literature and even more life " Raul lives and cries in her poetry because poetry was meat, a suicidal poet from the first of his verses to the last point and followed , "the poet Inma Luna - creative, indeed , on the cover of Marijuana for birds - who approached the " poetic virus Raúl Núñez " and observed firsthand how " daunting his verses I spoke of a man infected with the poetic of life, life that twists the bones and primed with fragile. "Fragile, losers, outcasts ... they are the protagonists of the work of Raul, Pedro, Venezuela, David, John, the shipwrecked; White Eagle and Johnny, Kid Paranoia; Passepartout Dream, Antonio Castro, the Sinatra who drinks while measuring in the bar the limits of his solitude ... until the heroes are humanized pen Raúl: Superman is "only man / who dies of loneliness / in a concrete paradise "(" Superman "), Jesus of Nazareth is a homeless alcoholic who gives his" skin words "And" encouragement of gin / for all men. "(" Jesus of Nazareth ").

At this point, the comparison is inevitable Nunez Bukowski. David Gonzalez, as has been said above, is the introducer of dirty realism in Spain Vicente Muñoz Álvarez, is "the heir Hispanic the Beat Generation and the pioneer of realism in our country dirty." Much of the attraction we feel for Raúl Núñez have derived precisely known, in the words of Sonia San Román, " find a poetic vein in quarries where others have not dared to bite ", which, undoubtedly, it connects with the author of The path of the loser, not in vain was introduced in the anthology tribute to the American writer did Vicente Patxi Alvarez y Muñoz Irurzun in Resaca / Hankover: A tribute to Charles Bukowski .

Irurzun According Patxi, the "urban novel " (as Sinatra was subtitled ) Raul " scenarios appeared until then I had not found in books: bars, the street, slums, and all human fauna that inhabited (losers, alcoholics, prostitutes ...)", Memba paraphrase, " was a precursor to write in English bars and losers "but, as Irurzun adds," came to add to what you contributed more grotesque humor Bukowski, closer to the tradition of literature in Castilian. It was like a cross between Hank and Eduardo Mendoza. "

José Ángel Barrueco also highlights its " lighthearted humor ", " between much misfortune and misery, always puts a phrase that encourages to laughter. "On the other hand, Alfonso Ros Pascal believes that comparative Bukowski's first impression is" inevitable but glib inadequate well ... There is much bad imitator, only that it fails to adjust damn pose in wet bar and voice dragged the cot, baby. Then there is reference poets, poets hallucinatory that match in the century or so, I understand, in Los Angeles or Barcelona's prostitutes and other low-paid jobs, voices like that of Raul Nunez fleshing truth and brilliance, fragility every pore. "Two poets reference, two soul mates, then they went ahead to call dirty realism. Alberto García-Teresa, in her review to Marijuana for birds (10), "Raul dirty realism fails because there is no delight in it, a celebration, but an embodiment of lifestyle, with values to which he espouses and celebrates. " But we must not forget that the critic-poet Raúl regards as if we talk about Raul novelist can not but subscribe to the words of José Ángel Barrueco when he reminds us that " in the narrative, was ahead of many so-called dirty English royalists then have been the glory, though, as said David González, Raúl did it first: stories told in prose without seasoning, which was to the point and walked the shady environments Valencia or Barcelona. "

The values \u200b\u200bthat, according to Garcia-Teresa , adheres to and enhances Raúl Núñez in his poetry are largely the Beat Generation. Traces of this generation already noted above David Gonzalez and Vicente Muñoz Álvarez, are irrefutable. The " psychedelic tone as a result of various coverings smoked and ingested some fatty " (José Ángel Barrueco) that has much of his poetry - Cannabis ubiquitous Flan - in which the doors of perception of reality are open to the apprehension of it through new lenses, without discarding the metaphor coined delirious surreal, the marginal song to life "on the road", the sex, the alcohol, the allusions to jazz and rock, tributes Ginsberg, Kerouac ... I certify. Silvia D. Girl, Raul Nunez, " was a beatnik in the English, an outsider, that I married into this emerging and disturbing American literature on the road that devoured. I felt identified with musical references, with its pop rhythm, with its gallery of freaks, with its direct and spontaneous prose without fuss . "

When asked by Raul's influence in the current literature, Esteban Gutierrez Gomez does not beat around the bush: " poetic current so-called" conscience ", the so-called" dirty realism "or the English confessional poetry owes much to the author. From Vicente Muñoz Carlos Salem, from Karmelo David González Iribarren, many of the wines we drank and we were marked . "Patxi Irurzun restricts that influence the underground area, as" not too over stalled "," nothing more than see how the court cultural supplements in this country "agrees Gsus Bonilla. " Unfortunately - Kebra says," not know of any living writer to write about life as Raul did. Write the truth really hurts. And it hurts most read . " More optimistic is shown Vicente Muñoz Álvarez: " gradually, with recovery and republication of his work, new generations of writers get to know his legacy and taking note of it, as regards native of lifestyle and poetry, and as a connection point with the Americans beat . "Everyone agrees, however, that it is necessary to recall Raul Nunez" p or daring to walk on roads less traveled , for not cleaning weeds, and left to scratch for it, and feel the wounds, if not cure, by raising the curtain of the night in the city and invites us to whiskey, to jazz, to snuff and to be able to distinguish the smoke, poetry "(Sonia San Román);" for humanity, tenderness and despair that emanate "of their texts (Vicente Muñoz Álvarez) to the record there is also a damn literature in our language, beyond the summer courses, competitions, awards and the blessed "(Javier Memba).

Bonilla G welcomes his engaging there Castilian authors maintain, as Núñez, the "flame political incorrectness" and adds that " always necessary have someone to go to lift the carpet so you can see the crap that lies beneath it, and do a bare-chested in a free in every sense, honest and sincere . "For Muñoz Alvarez, works as People , Pour whiskey over your dead friend, Sinatra Flan Cannabis (11) are " and classic and indispensable." In this sense, Ramón Andrés Pérez Blanco goes even further to say that " has books that should be required reading for our young ."

Unfortunately, compulsory education at present is a different course, sponsored by the powers to use, and which are the antithesis of freedom and truth above all and before all, advocated by Raul Nunez. Therefore, now more than ever is required reading, and worth these pages, several voices, to propel a song of life "due to a castaway angel. Do not you hear, Mick, her rhythm liberating?

Joaquín Piqueras


(1) Raúl Núñez, Marijuana for birds, Baile del Sol, Tenerife, 2008.

(2) AA.VV., Poemash. Special Raúl Núñez, Vinalia Trippers Productions, 2010.

(3) Raúl Núñez, Pour whiskey over your dead friend , editorial production, collection Star Books, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1978.

(4) Raúl Núñez, Sinatra, Anagram, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1984.

(5) Raúl Núñez, bar The blond, Anagram, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1986.

(6) Raúl Núñez, alone with Betty Boop , Laia, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1989.

(7) Raul Nunez, The silent howling , Midons Editorial, Valencia, 1994.

(8) Raul Nunez, People , editors Tusquets, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1974.

(9) AA.VV., Surf / Hankover: A tribute to Charles Bukowski , Trojan Horse Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2008.

(10) Alberto García-Teresa, "Cannabis for the birds," he speculated. Journal of Literary Studies, No. 39, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2008.

(11) Raul Nunez, Cannabis Flan, Ediciones Marte, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1976.


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