Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Description Of A Dogs Mucus Plug

Because I'm with Christina, I am NOT with Filmus

Filmus, one more.

Secretary of Education was mayor during the Menem Grosso

Daniel Filmus not resist a file: was Secretary of Education Carlos Grosso between 1990 and 1992, who ended up in jail for corruption. Filmus remained in office despite the heat of the negotiated school-shopping, that monstrosity in which the corruption of the then City Council transformed a school building a shared historical stronghold with shops in the neighborhood of Once.

While Filmus was official, a young legislator from the opposition rose to prominence for denouncing that (early December 1991) the city council had authorized the construction of a shopping arcade on the ground floor of the school President Mitre. It was the famous "school shopping", and the complainant, Councilman Anibal Ibarra.

was advisor to the Ministry of Education by Susana Decibe during the Menem.

was a participant in the federal education law known as the "Educational Reform."

When he left the Government Grosso, the sociologist and consultant joined the team from the Education Minister Susana Decibe, promoter of educational reform that incorporated criticized the EGB and polymodal and education systems under the traditional secondary the sequel of suffocation discipline and teacher insecurity.

Daniel Filmus prompted the New Law of Education. He did so fiercely criticizing the "law Menem, the same one he helped write.

Statements Susana Decibe, Education Minister Carlos Menem, "Education Minister Daniel Filmus's Office said in a recent report that the reform 90 emphasized the quantity and not quality, despite that he himself was part of our management team and shared the vision and policy. "(Clarín, 01/12/2006)

As education secretary and a phrase Ibarra "unfortunate."

With Ibarra, Filmus returned to the city again as Secretary of Education. For three years he piloted a process of relentless decline in public school Buenos Aires characterized by the decline in teachers' salaries and school buildings collapsed. In bankruptcy 2001, a provision of its Secretariat empowered canteen concessionaires to "menus suited to the serious financial situation."

When protests raged and reports of malnourished children, Filmus coined one of his most famous: "to school is to learn not to eat " (The Nation, 7/2/2002). While "conform" to the dining , Ibarra "fix" City public debt "up."

And one day, joined the Kirchnerism Filmus.

Filmus was conveniently recycled by Kirchner, who anointed him as Minister of Education, where he began attacking the "educational policy of` 90. "

Once Kirchner, Filmus returned to his proposal as Menem, of "debt swaps for education" , or privatize. Next, it promoted a Technical Education Act for "participation of business organizations in the training process ." As a finishing touch, Filmus Yasky drafted with the "new National Education Law" , enshrining educational decentralization Menem, the teacher labor insecurity, the interference of the clergy and subsidies to private education.

Filmus 's position on education.
"In Argentina (say) , we have a system of private education subsidies proportional to the fee, and is a very fair method transfer of public resources to the ability of parents to choose schools for their children " (Página/12, 01/03/2001). This means that hardly differs from Macri, to which critical. When he took over as secretary of education with Ibarra of Buenos Aires, raised "Decentralization of educational administration at the level of each commune (...), facilitating greater autonomy in schools to develop their own teaching strategies." sounds very close to the charter schools or licensed.

Because I'm with Christina, I am NOT with Filmus.


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